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Traveling stacker

1. belt conveyor system, 2. arm frame pitching system, 3. metal structure, 4. diesel engine unit, 5. electrical system, 6. upper train and door frame, 7. walking mechanism, 8. counterweight system, 9. hydraulic system, 10. arm frame rotary mechanism.

Equipment Technical Specification

1).Process Flow :Bulk cargo transported by truck- -Feeder chute- -Feeding Belt conveyor- -Transfer  chute- - boom conveyor--Material field

2). To meet environmental requirements, using water spray dustproof technology. The water spraying system is installed in the feeder chute, the transfer chute and the boom discharging point to control dust. Water tank set capacity is 6 cubic meter, can be adjusted according to the actual situation;

3). Boom belt conveyor provided with pitch function and slewing function , fixed-point stacking material tonnage is about 4000 ton, to handle 4 million tons ocean vessel it only need to move ten times;

4).Equipment with self-moving function, using a full drive mode of moving, wheels can be rotated at the same time and also rotated separately, so it can move forward and backward, translation around, in-situ rotation and other multiple degrees of freedom of action. Rapid displacement can be achieved in the process of stacking;

5). The driver room is set in front of the device, with wide view when operating, HD cameras are set on many places of device, The driver can grasp all conditions around the equipment and work condition by means of monitor;

6). The belt conveyor drive motor and the traveling motor all adopt the frequency conversion motor, can adjust its operating speed according to the actual loading condition;

7). Device Set up Truck Dual Lane , to reduce truck waiting time, and greatly improve working efficiency;

8).Feeding model : trucks(<60 tons), loading vehicles(<10tons)

9). 40tons-truck running time is 60s, one-hour cycle 60 times, device effective work efficiency is 2400t/h; Maximum allowable truck overload is to 60 tons, productivity instantaneous peak is 3600t/h.

Product series
Product series Product Performance Description
1000—C2—12 rated productivity:1000t/h,two-lane boarding, stack height 12m
1500—C2—12 rated productivity:1500t/h,two-lane boarding, stack height 12m
2500—C2—12 rated productivity:2500t/h,two-lane boarding, stack height 12m

Other models can be designed according to customer specific requirements

Product Comparison
  Traditional process Current process
Device Description 6 Excavators  & 3 trucks 1 Traveling stacker
Manpower Needed 9 Skilled workers 1 button-capable mechanic
Work strength Driver continuous operation Only monitor video as long as you start
Productivity 1000t/h 3000t/h
Stack height 8m 12m
Work process Need to stack the material twice to 8 m One stack high to 12m
Installed Capacity 1500KW 450KW(actual use is 280KW)
Material integrity The breakage rate is high The breakage rate is low
Dangerous More equipments with the security hidden trouble of collision sole safe and reliable equipment

Prev:Mobile stacking and reclaiming video
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Add:No 18, Yanchang Road , Yanqiao Industrial Park , Huishan District, Wuxi
Contact:Mr Hang
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